Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Don't fall for this scam!

While James was on a field trip to the art museum with Athena's class, he received a call on his cell phone from the credit card company. His card had been defrauded and someone was trying to make $1,000 purchases all over the country. They cancelled the card and issued him a new one. What's worrisome is that he only used the card once, to make an on-line purchase at a secure site.

Yesterday morning we received another call: our other card from the same credit card company had also been defrauded and the thief (or hacker?) had tried to make a $500 purchase that morning that was picked up by security screenings and blocked. Twice in one week, and this has never happened to either of us in all the years we've both been using credit cards.

Identity theft aside, here's a much more serious scam that lady readers of our book should make sure they don't fall for! Thanks to Tertia Albertyn at So Close for sending it our way. What would we do without Tertia to watch out for us?

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