Thursday, February 28, 2008

News From Christopher Briscoe

This just in from Christopher Briscoe, the photographer for The Baby Bonding Book for Dads: "I am in Cambodia for another week. It has been amazing here, shooting in refugee camps, families in a city dump, a city jail ... all the while taking with me a battery operated photo printer and making portraits of the villagers. Huge success!"

These photos of Chris's (the first one of a garbage dump in Mae Scot, Thailand and the second, "Looking for Daddy," of Burmese Refugees) remind us that some children can't bond with their fathers because political, social, or economic strife keeps them apart.


  1. So sad!! It makes me feel lucky.

  2. Christopher Briscoe's photography is amazing. I'm glad he's taken his talents overseas for a few weeks but we'll also be glad to have him back.
